4,500 business women, men and international experts at the service of France’s development for more than 120 years. Present in all regions of France and in more than 150 countries.
France’s Foreign Trade Advisors (CCE) volunteer their experience to serve France’s development. They carry out concrete actions on a daily basis in partnership with public and private actors having a role in promoting and supporting the internationalization of French companies. Appointed by the Prime Minister, the CCE are invested by the public authorities with four missions.

The CCEs monitor foreign trade issues. At the heart of international markets and experts in their field, they share information, analysis and recommendations with public authorities (government, regions and embassies abroad), on international trade issues or specific markets whose decisions they inform.
In partnership with the main institutional players in French foreign trade (DGT, Business France, Chambers of Commerce, Medef International, Coface, Oséo, etc.), the CCEs organize, in France and around the world, regional conferences, seminars and symposiums.

The CCEs voluntarily support companies and entrepreneurs in their international development. They bring their field knowledge and in particular allow SMEs to understand more easily all the aspects of an export strategy and to mobilize intermediaries likely to facilitate their international development.
The Duo Mentoring program, initiated with the Chamber of Commerce is based on :
- support for businesses through the transmission and sharing of field expertise on a voluntary basis by a voluntary CCE, chosen for her sectoral or geographic competence to support its development in the region. (https://www.fccsingapore.com/),Establishing contact with other players in France and abroad (CCI, BPI, Business France, French Embassy, Economic Service, etc.). This system is also part of Team France Export’s export support solutions: https://www.teamfrance-export.fr/documents/partenaires.pdf
Thanks to the advisor, the company can:
- Rely on the network of CCEs to have a better knowledge of a country / market
- Better understand the commercial and / or implantation approach,
- Identify existing support & aid for export
The DUO Mentoring Program is a long engagement of one session per month over a period of 6 to 12 months. It is open to representatives of Startups, Entrepreneurs or SMEs with a minimum existence of 1 year.
Access to mentoring is extremely simple, by making the request on the site:

Since 1988, CCEs have also been tutors to nearly 6,000 young Volunteers for International Enterprises (V.I.E) sent abroad on behalf of SMEs that do not have a local presence. The development of International Business Volunteering is one of the government’s priorities for the international development of SMEs, export employment and geographic or sectorial action plans. The President of the Republic asks the CCEs to commit themselves individually in favor of V.I.E. Every 2 or 3 years, the Singapore committee organizes the V.I.E. Awards.

CCEs promote France’s strengths and facilitate investment decisions on French territory through the contacts they maintain with business leaders and economic authorities in their country of establishment.
Here are the fields of action to which we contribute or with which we work:
- Half-yearly index of attractiveness of France perceived from abroad
- Recommendations to public authorities in terms of attractiveness
- Comparative studies
- Events, fairs